I really, really love to create: paper crafts, bags, clothing, jewelry. There is something wonderful about creating beautiful things from plain materials that brings me immense satifaction. I've been this way for as long as I can remember. This blog has been a fun place for me to share some of these projects. I LOVE your comments and appreciate your encouraging words, so thank you, thank you, thank you!
However, sharing ideas over the internet isn't always enough. Sometimes I just want to share the creativity in person, whether that be teaching or learning. And I know some of you feel the same way becuase you have told me. Therefore, I would like to propose (drumroll please)...
Ladies Craft Night!
Okay, I'm not crazy about the name, but it gives you the idea. Basically, this would be a group of us who take turns hosting a creative/craft activity where we can share project ideas / teach a skill: jewelry making, origami, underwater basket weaving, whatever! I was thinking we could do an activity once a month and rotate hosts/teachers. Anyone is invited, even those who don't think they are "crafty" or think they have a skill to share. :) You all have something to contribute! Everyone will pay for their own materials, so the teacher doesn't need to feel burdened financially. That's the basic rundown - I got the idea from here quite some time ago.
What do you think? Please comment and let me know! I am happy to host the first activity in April, but let me know what suggestions you have: what days/times work for you? what projects are you interested in? do you have a better idea for the name in mind?
Okay now, get commenting!
You know I'm in! And as for group names..."She's Crafty" is the only one coming to mind. I'll keep you posted if I think of any others. And thanks for the shout out!
Sounds like a really fun way to learn to do new things!
You KNOW I'm loving this idea. Why didn't we do this when we lived a few steps away from each other? Good luck with your group. I'm sure you'll find a stellar bunch of girls to participate. I mean, who WOULDN'T want to spend time crafting with the one and only Karla the Amazing?!
I wish I lived closer! You'll have to post all the great stuff. Oh and I am finally getting into cards. I don't know if you remember what a disaster I was at the enrichment activity years ago with cards. But I love it now and have had so much fun making them. Do you guys do a card group back there? I can't seem to get it going down here.
k you know i wish i was still there crafting with you!
YES, YES, and YES! That would be SO much fun Karla. The only skill that i can semi contribute is cooking. i LOVE cooking and gathering recipes and stuff. but seiously that would be so much fun!
Count me in! I'd love to learn to be crafty! I can teach a machine quilting segment if anyone is interested.
I'm In!! I don't know what I could teach- but I definately know how to laugh while learning!!
I'm so jealous, I wish I could come partake of this craftiness! What a great idea!
PICK ME! I would love love to come and learn from the best. I'm not sure what I would teach, but I will come with something wild.
That would be really fun!!! Let me know more detials!! I'm in!
I think that sounds like fun too. I need a litle help and some great ideas in the creativity department anyway. Let me know!
Only if one of the activities is: "How to put a sewing machine together and start using it".
Can I still come even though I moved?
you're so talented!
Sounds great! Let me know when and how and if it fits in my schedule, then I will be there. Thanks Karla!
Hey Karla! I want to come too, even though I'm probably the least crafty person ever! I still think it would be fun, let me know when!
Count me in for sure! I know we've talked about this but then never do it! I'm so glad you've taken the initiative! YAY...count me in for sure!
Me, too! Can I come? :-) I can contribute by...uhm....hmm...ok, maybe not.
Thanks for the great response!
Jen - Hooray for getting into cards! As for a card group, I have never been a part of one here. I'll see how this craft group goes and see if I have any tips for you.
& Jeff - if you can't think of anything to contribute, feel free to throw in a few $$$ for the cause. :)
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