Friday, September 24, 2010
texting snippet
"Can I tell you something? I love the Gospel! Since I left my stuff at work yesterday I just pondered on the Metro in today. I thought of The Living Christ, the Family Proclamation, the Young Women's theme, and the Relief Society theme. And you know what I realized? The Gospel brings me more joy than any of these DC thrills ever could. They are fun of course, but they don't even compare to the full, happy joy the Gospel brings me. It was a needed reminder that I always need to ctr so I'm worthy of Gospel blessings. Thanks for letting me share."
And it's true - Christ's gospel makes me happy. :)
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
what are you thinking about?
Ah - love this video. It's an oldie, but a goodie.
So, the question - what are you about? In the words of President Henry B. Eyring's father, "When you walk down the street, when you're in the shower or when you don't have anything to be thinking about, what is it that you think about?"
Perhaps you have heard the story, but this is the question President Eyring's father asked him to help him discover what it is that he wanted to do for the rest of his life. Trying to follow in his father's footsteps, he was studying physics. However, after pondering his father's questions, he changed his major and studied business, went on to get a PhD, and ended up teaching it.
Now don't take this as an introduction to a big career change. But I am starting to notice there is something I think about pretty much every day - at home, at work, on my commute. I just can't seem to get it out of my head, even though I probably should. That little something is...
Okay, well, not just food, but baking. I LOVE baking. I can't get enough of it. I want to do it every day, seriously. Not cooking - I mean who wants to go home and cook dinner? Haha, okay, I know there are some of you out there that love cooking deliciously nutritious meals for your family. I'm not so much one of them (much to Jeff's chagrin). Me, I want to bake my most favorite things, and two of those things are bread and treats. Mmmmm....yes, bread and treats. For example,
Chocolate caramel crakers
Pumpkin cake
Apple honey challah
Vanilla breadsticks (a variation of these)
Buckeyes (not technically baking, but a treat nonetheless)
Cookies n' cream fudge
S'mores bars (omit the nuts to be like me)
just to name a few...
Oh yes, I love me some bread and I love me some treats! Unfortunately my 10-11 hour work days (when you factor in the commute) do not leave me the luxury of spending as much time baking as I would like. Someday perhaps, someday. However, my waistline could probably do without. :) But baking is one of the ways I can create, taking raw materials and producing a wonderful end product that would not have existed without my vision, my hands, and my work. Mmm...being a baker makes me a creator, and that is something to feel happy, fulfilled, and satisfied about.
How about you? What do you think about when there's nothing else you have to think about?
Monday, September 20, 2010

lunch break - installment II

lunch break - installment 1

Sunday, September 5, 2010

- We moved to Maryland.
- We had an amazingly fun drive across country to get here (above we are pictured in Philly, one of the stops on the trip).
- I have more boxes and stuff than I know what to do with.
- I have the internet - who knew a 2 week wait could be so long?
- Our apartment has a washer and dryer - hallelujah.
- We miss Idaho, friends, family, and loved ones.
- We are grateful for friends old and new, families who care, and all the thoughts, prayers, phone calls, letters, texts, facebook comments, and e-mails we've received to let us know you're still there and you still care. Thank you!