Friday, August 22, 2008

the fair

Yes folks, it's fair time in Boise! Jeff and I went to help out with a booth last week for my work. After our shift, Jeff was kind enough to walk around with me while I snapped some pictures. I enjoyed catching the bright lights and motion on my camera.

getting ready

take off!


Angela said...

I'm so glad you brought your blog back to life! Love the State Fair pictures. You'd do Brian Niven proud! I posted a picture for you on my blog. Go check it out.

Ariel said...

Your pics are super-rad!

Unknown said...

Thats all I got to say.
Okay, thats not all, but are you guys headed to Shelly over Labor day?

Paige said...

AWESOME photos, seriously! I'm glad you returned to the world of blogging and that you're having a good time in Boise! It looks beautiful!

Becca said...

great photos! your photography skills keep getting better and better. i get so much inspiration from you!

Rachel said...

I love these photos! I'm so impressed!

karla said...

Let's hear it for the EISF! Unfortunately I won't be making it up there this weekend, Tagg. Eat about 10 pieces of Bread Barn bread with raspberry honeybutter for me, along with a turkey leg and some scone nuggets!