I really, really love to create: paper crafts, bags, clothing, jewelry. There is something wonderful about creating beautiful things from plain materials that brings me immense satifaction. I've been this way for as long as I can remember. This blog has been a fun place for me to share some of these projects. I LOVE your comments and appreciate your encouraging words, so thank you, thank you, thank you!
However, sharing ideas over the internet isn't always enough. Sometimes I just want to share the creativity in person, whether that be teaching or learning. And I know some of you feel the same way becuase you have told me. Therefore, I would like to propose (drumroll please)...
Ladies Craft Night!
Okay, I'm not crazy about the name, but it gives you the idea. Basically, this would be a group of us who take turns hosting a creative/craft activity where we can share project ideas / teach a skill: jewelry making, origami, underwater basket weaving, whatever! I was thinking we could do an activity once a month and rotate hosts/teachers. Anyone is invited, even those who don't think they are "crafty" or think they have a skill to share. :) You all have something to contribute! Everyone will pay for their own materials, so the teacher doesn't need to feel burdened financially. That's the basic rundown - I got the idea from here quite some time ago.
What do you think? Please comment and let me know! I am happy to host the first activity in April, but let me know what suggestions you have: what days/times work for you? what projects are you interested in? do you have a better idea for the name in mind?
Okay now, get commenting!