Make fun of me if you will, but here are a few Christmas tunes that I've enjoyed lately:
*NSYNC - wow! This takes me back to sophomore year of high school. I remember listening to this on the bus during basketball season, and it is possible I had this album on cassette tape (haha - I was even behind the times then!).
David Archuleta (aka Archdawg around our house)- we are thouroughly enjoying his Christmas album:
What are some of your favorite Christmas songs?
That Ipod is very stylish. I got my first(and only) Ipod about 5 years ago and boy is it a dinosaur today! But it still works so I keep it. Someday I'll have a fancy one like you!
I am seriously obsessed with NSYNC Christmas! I love every single song! It's so great to see there are fellow nsync listeners out there:) They make Christmas even more fun:)
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