Did you know that November is National Adoption Month? Well now you do! Adoption has been on my brain a lot lately, so I guess it's appropriate that this month is an extra special time to be thinking of it.
To give you an update on us, Jeff and I are currently in the process of getting approved for adoption in the state of Maryland (different states, different standards), which hopefully will be squared away soon. We have had a number of birthmothers express interest in us over the last few months, but nothing has come to fruition for us (yet). We so much appreciate the kind thoughts, words, e-mails, and prayers you continue to offer on our behalf. It's wonderful to know that so many people are thinking of us and pulling for us!
I mentioned this a few months ago, but we would love for you to keep us in mind if you hear of any situations where a birthmother is considering placing her baby for adoption. We still have our LDS Family Services profile posted here, and this blog and our family blog are other places you can direct them to. I am hoping to get some pass along cards as well (I'm entering this contest to win some free ones - wish me luck!), so please let me know if you are interested in receiving some of those once we have some.
Adoption is so beautiful. I love the way is can influence really countless lives for the better - the adopted child, adoptive parents, and birthparents, not to mention extended families and friends of each of those parties. What a gift it can be! Jeff's wonderful older sister Becky was adopted, so we have witnessed some of those blessings firsthand.
How had adoption touched your life or the life of someone you know?
My aunt and uncle had three children of their own, and then she found she had cancer and needed a hysterectomy. I remember how she grieved over losing that ability to have children and how much she wanted another one. They signed up with LDS services and finally decided that they would take a baby with health issues if possible. They adopted a little girl during one of the summers I lived with them (during college). She was six months old and weighed 8 pounds. She had downs syndrome and needed a heart surgery. Crystal was so full of love. I noticed how she helped my aunt overcome her grief, and how their family loved and protected her. Crystal touched the lives of everyone around her. We lived near them when Johnathan and Timothy were young and it was fun to see her and Johnathan interacting. She passed away at the age of 16.
I love adoption! I volunteered at an orphanage in Guatemala for 4 months and went back to visit twice. I loved those little ones and hope that one day we would be able to adopt a child from a foreign country...or here I guess, but I just loved those little ones so much! What a blessing it is to all involved. My sister also worked at a non-profit that helped children ages 7-11 get adopted. Miracles happened. I wish you the best in your journey and we will keep you in our prayers!!
I am so excited for the pair of you and your decision to adopt. I think adoption is an amazing thing, and I would GLADLY recommend you as parents!
A couple in our ward couldn't have kids for 7 years. So they adopted a little black baby boy and two years later a precious hispanic baby. They were there for both births. Two months later she found she was pregnant! Another boy, and two years later they had a baby girl. Now the couple who thought they might never be parents have 4 beautiful children who are so loved and cared for by all of us.
My aunt and Uncle adopted a samoan baby after many years of miscarriages. She is such an amazing sweetheart and awesome addition to our family. She has some struggles because of a seizure and her parents are exactly the patient, wealthy, loving people she needs.
As the adopted person myself...I am so glad I was adopted into such an amazing family!!! And my boys were adopted by Rod! The children that come in to your family will be very lucky children. You two will be amazing parents.
we often think of you guys and know that when you do have a child join your family you will be amazing parents. Btw...where are you guys at in maryland? adam will be traveling to Gathersberg in January.
Brandon has an aunt who was "unofficially" adopted by his grandparents. She came to the family through the Indian Placement Program that the church did. That aunt and her husband adopted a little boy off of a reservation that was living in an abusive home. They have video of the court proceedings and the little boy, Austin, gave the judge a big thumbs up when he was asked if Brandon's aunt and uncle would be good parents for him. It is adorable!
We are excited for you and praying for you during this process.
after trying for years to get pregnant and trying different infertility options, my sister decided to adopt. they welcomed a little boy into their home a little over a year ago and couldn't be happier. we have definitely seen the blessings firsthand that have come from adoption. most importantly the fact that my sister, her husband and their son could be sealed together as a family forever. not something her little boy would have experienced had his birth mother kept him.
we wish you the best and will be thinking of you and will most definitely recommend you.
When I was 18, unmarried, and pregnant I decided I would place my baby for adoption. I wanted to do what was best for him because I loved him so much. I started looking at families and had it narrowed down to a few. Then, when I was 8 months pregnant I was served with a court order blocking the adoption (my baby's father's parents found out I was pregnant and were not happy about my plan to place him for adoption). I was actually relieved because of course I didn't want to give him up, I wanted to keep him and love him and watch him grow up. I am happy that I was able to be his mother, but adoption has always had a tender place in my heart. I know what it is like to love your baby so much and know that he deserves more than what you can give him. You and Jeff are amazing and I am sure you are exactly what a birth mom out there is looking for. Good Luck!
My dad is adopted. I probably wouldn't exist if my awesome loving grandparents hadn't adopted. You guys will provide a wonderful home and future for a lucky kid out there. We are praying for you!
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