This bag is pretty much the perfect size. It's big enough to fit my planner, camera, wallet, cell phone, and other random items without being so large that they get lost. And how about his cute, little pocket?
This bag is pretty much the perfect size. It's big enough to fit my planner, camera, wallet, cell phone, and other random items without being so large that they get lost. And how about his cute, little pocket?
Next I made a jewelry set including a necklace and matching earrings. Don't you love how little accessories can make you feel so dressed up and sophisticated?
I "taught" the girls in our ward how to make these at Enrichment last week. I say "taught" because a) I was pretty unorganized and b) I got so much inspiration from the girls that I ended up using their ideas (pictured above) in addition to some of my own ideas (pictured below)!
For directions on how to make an accordion card, go here. To tie, place a ribbon in between the back cover and back page so it can tie in the front or on the side. Round a few corners, ink a few edges, and you're done. Well, except for writing your mushy valentine message, that is. :)
If you're in Utah, be sure to be in line to vote by 8:00pm tonight. Only those affiliated with the Democratic or Replublican party can vote, but you can register with a party at the polls if you aren't already affiliated. Hooray for the democratic process!