As many of you know, Jeff has been busy preparing resumes, interviewing, and weighing the pros and cons about where he will work after graduating with his Master's of Accountancy in April (yes, a bit early, but that's the way it goes in his program). After much deliberation and discussion, we are happy to announce he has accepted a job in Boise, Idaho! Hooray! We are
so very excited! My heart really has been leaping for joy!
Boise is such a great fit for us. We love how it is big, but small at the same time. We are stoked to be living in the capital city - maybe I can get involved in politics again! It is such a beautiful city - what city with the nickname "The City of Trees" wouldn't be? And of course, we are excited to be living in Idaho again.
Jeff's start date is August 1st, so we still have quite a while to anticipate, prepare,
read up, and become even more excited for this big change. What a great stage of life to be in!
Picture courtesy of Wikipedia