Jeff and I are very excited to let you know that we are hoping to adopt! Some of you may have already known about this, as it's something that's been in the works for a while. We just recently had our profile published on the LDS Family Services website, so we figured it was time to announce it on our lovely blogs. You can view our profile by clicking here.
The journey that has brought us to where we are today has been a rollercoaster ride filled with lots of ups and downs. With challenges in life come great blessings from the Lord, and we have faith that adoption will be a miracle in our lives from Him. We are sincerly excited to adopt and have faith that this is the Lord's plan for us to bring children into our home.
As mentioned, we are going through LDS Family Services, which allows birth mothers to choose the couple their child will be placed with. As a result, we don't know how long it will be until a mother chooses to place with us. If you know of an individual who is considering placing their child for adoption, we would love for you to direct them to our profile and get in touch with us!
The greatest strength we have found in this journey is the peace and comfort that comes from the Atonement of our Savior, Jesus Christ. We have faith that He is ever mindful of us and that His plan for us is greater than any plan we had for ourselves!