April has come, April has almost gone, and I have yet to post about Craft Night! I promise I haven't forgotten - can you forgive me for moving it back to May? I was thinking either the 13th, 14th, or 15th in the evening. As for a project, I was thinking it might be fun to make simple pillow covers. I even saw some small pillows at Ikea for a mere $1.49 - at that price, why not buy a few?! What do you think? Any other ideas?
It's official: Jeff has graduated! It was so much fun to spend time enjoying this accomplishment after all the hard work he has put in. We found out that Jeff graduated Cum Laude AND he was in the top 10 of his program - no small feat! He was also very excited to meet Elder David A. Bednar, who was the commencement speaker (Jeff wrote about it here). We also were happy to have family and friends here to celebrate with. :)
Hooray for Jeff! He is graduating this week with his Master of Accountancy Degree! I am so proud of him - he has worked long and hard to be graduating from the No. 2 ranked accounting program in the US. I can't decide if I'm happier about the degree or the fact that he is letting me take so many pictures of him. :)
* so happy about all the comments on craft night (details to come) * so happy to be finishing projects * so happy I went to Idaho last weekend * so happy my brother is going on a mission (he's going here) * so happy to have the Gospel * so happy I married Jeff * so happy Spring is here